Giving Thanks – Bright Heart Foundation Results

Giving Thanks – Bright Heart Foundation Results

November 2019 – It’s crisp out and our thoughts turn next to our blessings and for what we give thanks.  Bright Heart Foundation has been getting back all kinds of love from therapists, nurses, doctors and families.

Here’s a sampling of the harvest we are giving thanks for this year!

“Tummy time is such a valuable activity for all of the kiddos I see. Having the donation of equipment from Bright Heart has enabled me to offer varied play scenarios for the kiddos I see especially through the use of mirrors. The kiddos I see love to see themselves and having a mirror increases the duration they tolerate on their tummy and promotes visual development as well. Thank you Bright Heart!” – Occupational Therapist

“A 3 year old little girl has never been able to move her arms enough to play with toys, but she learned to activate the ultimate switch quickly since only minimal movement/pressure is required, so she can now play independently with switch toys! She was so happy to be able to play the music herself! And a bonus, using the ultimate switch helped her learn to better control the movement of her arms and taught her to move them more, so when she went to her AAC evaluation at Bill Wilkerson, she was able to activate the Big Mack switch easily! The SLP at Bill Wilkerson is ordering her her own Big Mack switch for communication. Her mom was so proud!” – Physical Therapist

“My daughter, Lake, is a client of Sarah’s with Vanderbilt Home Health and has been receiving physical therapy with her since she came home from the NICU you 15 months ago.  Our therapist was kind enough to pass on information for your organization and to let us know that several pieces of equipment that she and Lake frequently use during sessions came from you. We are so thankful to have accesses to needed equipment such as this PT bench for our home sessions!! It has made a world of difference in Lake’s growth and development to be able to practice skills at home on equipment that typically she would only have access to in an outpatient setting.  Thank you so much for your generosity and the work you do to help kiddos like ours!” – Mother of Patient

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